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Age : 23
Location : Mammoth

Rules Empty
PostSubject: Rules   Rules EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 9:12 pm

The Club Penguin Station Forum Rules
Welcome to The Club Penguin Cheats Forums! You are now viewing the official rules of The Club Penguin Cheats Forums. You must follow these rules at all times or there will be consequences. It looks like a lot, but a lot of it is COMMON SENSE. At least read the bold statements before you proceed to the forums.

1. No Spamming. Spamming is when you post unbeneficial, pointless, or sometimes uncomprehendable messages, often times just to boost your post count. Spam usually does not benefit the topic and often consists of one-word posts or a single phrase. If the message does not benefit the topic in any way, please do not post it by itself. Here is a acronym to remember what spam is: Stupid, Pointless, Annoying, Messages.
2. No Double Posting. This goes along with spam. Double posting means you post two or more times in a row in the same thread. You must wait for someone else to reply before you can make another post. If you want to add on to your post, click on the Edit button in your first post to add on. This violation will not result in an infraction or ban, but is highly discouraged. We will ban/infraction you if you continue to do this after being warned.
3. Stay on topic. You must stay on topic with thread topic. Do not post anything unbeneficial or unrelated
4. No Bumping. Bumping is when you post on a topic that is really old to bring it back to the front. This is almost never allowed except in rare cases when it is actually useful to the community if it is done. If you post in a topic that is older than a month, you will be warned or infracted depending on how many rules you have broken in the past.
No Swearing or Cussing. This rule won't result in a ban and generally wont result in an infraction unless it is really intense. However, it is encouraged not to curse in these forums.
6. No Flaming. Flaming is the act of fighting, shouting, arguing, or expressing great dislike for a user. Flaming is often expressed using CAPITAL LETTERS or using lots of exclamation marks. Please be careful about what you say because you will be penalized if you flame. Being disrespectful to users is a form of flaming. So, please be respectful to all users, new and old.
7. No inappropriate content/pictures. Self-explanatory. Do not link to any site or have a picture that contains adult content, sexually oriented material or might otherwise be considered offensive.
8. No Asking To Be On the Staff. Asking for or whining to be a moderator or part of the staff will eliminate any chances of becoming one.
9. No Multiple Accounts. Only One Account Per Person. Using or playing around with multiple accounts is prohibited and under no circumstances are you allowed to share accounts with other users on the forums. Moderators CAN check this by looking at your IP Address.
10. No Plagiarism. We do not allow you to plagiarize or copy other people's content on this forum. Only share what is originally yours.
11. Respect others. Regardless of how new or old a user is. Always be kind and respectful towards them.
12. Do not post for banned users. Banned users are banned for a reason. We do not want them posting here. Posting for them is the same thing as sharing your account, which is prohibited.
13. Do not post more than one thread on the same/similar topic. It is rude to post multiple threads on the same topic and have the users who answer it to find out there is another topic on it (especially for threads with questions).
14. Do not post in hard to read colors. It is discouraged to post your text in hard-to-read colors, like this. We know it's cool to style your posts, but some colors will make the text difficult to read and may be very abrasive to some people's eyes. You CAN however, post in white if you are revealing a spoiler to a game or guide or something.
15. Read the Stickied Threads (and other threads) first. When you first enter a forum section, please check the stickied threads for relevant and important information. Often times, it will answer your questions or guide you in what you are looking for. Also, before you make a thread about a topic, check to make sure that a thread does not already exist. If you consistently do this even after you were warned, you will be infracted and/or banned. Duplicate threads will be merged or deleted.
16. This forum is not about popularity. It is about making friends, establishing a community, and having a good time talking about Club Penguin and other things. Please don't make threads about who is cooler or show off how many posts you have or when you joined. New users can be just as cool if you give them a chance to. Likewise, do not make fun of users based upon their join date or post count. It is quality over quantity, and if we catch you doing it, then we may reset your account to 0 posts and TODAY as your join date.
17. NO ADVERTISING. You are only allowed to advertise in the Advertising section. Given that, we do not tolerate ANY advertising outside. You may only link to things that do not benefit yourself (such as your CP website). Something acceptable would be like a youtube video you found funny.

Users caught breaking rules will be given infractions, temporary bans, or permanent bans (Permabans) depending on the severity of the offense.

► Do not put anything offensive in your profile. Doing so will get your permission to use avatars and signatures stripped and you will be given the "Naughty Penguin" rank.
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